Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  11 класс  /  Leisure activities of British and Russian teenagers

Leisure activities of British and Russian teenagers

02.03.2022. Тест. Английский язык, 11 класс
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Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Choose the correct answer to the question!
What does Tom usually do in his leisure time?

Варианты ответов
  • In my free time I usually go to Kids’ Cookery Club. There we learn how to cook.
  • When I have leisure time, I usually do a lot of interesting things. I enjoy reading, playing the guitar, doing sports, dancing and listening to music.
  • I usually don’t have any spare time during the weekdays. But at the weekends I often have a sleepover.
  • In my free time I usually go camping. To my mind, it’s a great opportunity to get away from town life and to enjoy nature.
Вопрос 2

Choose the correct answer to the question!
What does Ella usually do in her leisure time?

Варианты ответов
  • In my free time I usually go to Kids’ Cookery Club. There we learn how to cook.
  • When I have leisure time, I usually do a lot of interesting things. I enjoy reading, playing the guitar, doing sports, dancing and listening to music.
  • I usually don’t have any spare time during the weekdays. But at the weekends I often have a sleepover.
  • In my free time I usually go camping. To my mind, it’s a great opportunity to get away from town life and to enjoy nature.
Вопрос 3

Choose the correct answer to the question!
What does Amber usually do in her leisure time?

Варианты ответов
  • In my free time I usually go to Kids’ Cookery Club. There we learn how to cook.
  • When I have leisure time, I usually do a lot of interesting things. I enjoy reading, playing the guitar, doing sports, dancing and listening to music.
  • I usually don’t have any spare time during the weekdays. But at the weekends I often have a sleepover.
  • In my free time I usually go camping. To my mind, it’s a great opportunity to get away from town life and to enjoy nature.
Вопрос 4

Complete the sentence!
Max is _________. To his mind, it’s a great opportunity to get away from town life and to enjoy nature.
Type three space-separated words!

Вопрос 5

Complete the sentence!
The famous British eccentricity is the cause of unusual sports like extreme ironing, for example, _______, _______, _______, etc. 

Варианты ответов
  • mountains
  • rivers
  • tall buildings
  • flowers
  • chairs
Вопрос 6

Make up the sentences!

Варианты ответов
  • There are no long-distance cycle
  • trails in Russia. That’s
  • why teens ride a bicycle on low-traffic
  • streets or find quiet country roads and
  • spend their time exploring their homeland.
Вопрос 7

Make up the sentences!

Варианты ответов
  • Despite the increase in the number
  • of teens participating in sports, the
  • majority of young people still
  • prefer to be spectators. Watching
  • sports on TV is a popular leisure activity.
Вопрос 8

What are the most popular methods of communication nowadays?

Варианты ответов
  • a computer
  • a mobile phone
  • a letter
  • cave painting
  • telegraph
Вопрос 9

What does Nikita usually do in his free time?

Варианты ответов
  • He trains his dog.
  • The boy sings with his parrot.
  • Nikita plays with his cat and hamster.
  • The boy watches TV and plays computer games.
  • Nikita plays football with his friends.
Вопрос 10

Complete the sentences!
At weekends young teenagers sometimes go to their friend’s house and stay there till morning. This is called _________ and it’s particularly popular with girls.
Type two space-separated words!

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