
Healthy lifestyle

Урок 42. Английский язык 7 класс ФГОС

В здоровом теле здоровый дух! Что нужно делать, чтобы оставаться здоровым? В начале урока Том предлагает ребятам ответить на вопросы анкеты, чтобы узнать, насколько вы здоровы. Далее следует задание на заполнение пропусков глаголами из теста. Во второй части урока Том даёт советы по ведению здорового образа жизни.

Конспект урока "Healthy lifestyle"

What helps a person to be healthy? Have you got any ideas?

Add your ideas to this mind map.

Listen to the nursery rhyme and add more ideas to your mind maps:

The best six doctors anywhere

And no one can deny it

Are sunshine, water, rest and air

Exercise and diet.

No doubt, sunshine, water, rest and air, exercise and diet help our body and mind be healthy!

Make the first step in finding out just how healthy and fit you are!

The questions here will help you.

Healthy body, healthy mind!

1. Can you swim 100 metres in a pool?

a) Yes, easily       b) Yes, but only slowly c) No chance!

2. Can you run 400 metres without stopping?

a) Yes, easily       b) Yes, I can, but not very fast       c) No, I can’t

3. Can you walk up 4 sets of stairs?

a) Yes, no problem       b) Yes, but it’s really hard     c) I always take the lift

4. Can you see a car number from 50 metres?

a) Yes, clearly      b) Yes, just …     c) No, I have to wear glasses

5. Can you hear and understand someone talking to you in a noisy room?

a) Yes, easily       b) Yes, but not very well        c) If they speak very loudly

6. Can you concentrate on something (e.g.) your homework for thirty minutes without a break?

a) Yes, I can                  b) Yes, but not easily    c) No, I can’t

7. Do you remember everything you ate the day before yesterday?

a) Yes, perfectly. b) Yes, but not easily.   c) No, not really

8) Do you often forget your account password?

a) No, never.                 b) Not often, but sometimes.  c) All the time!

You get 3 points for each a) answer, 2 points for b) and 1 point for c).

If you have 16 to 24 points:

Well done! You are very fit and healthy in mind and body. You do regular exercise, you eat well and get enough sleep, so your mind and memory are clear. Don’t stop! And tell your friends how they can do things to feel better.

9 to 15 points:

You are quite fit and healthy in mind and body. Do you want to be fitter? Then maybe you should do more exercise. Thirty minutes three times a week keeps your mind and body young. Eat more fruit and vegetables and have oily fish once a week. Join a brain gym or look for one on the Internet.

1 to 8 points:

Maybe you should do some exercise for your body and mind. Start small! You don’t have to go to the gym. Walk more. You can get off the bus or tram one stop before school and walk the rest of the way. Try to eat healthily, too and get enough sleep – this will help your mind as well as your body.

Here we have one more exercise for your mind: Can you remember and complete the test with missing verbs?

1. Can you swim 100 metres in a pool?

2. Can you run 400 metres without stopping?

3. Can you walk up 4 sets of stairs?

4. Can you see a car number from 50 metres?

5. Can you hear and understand someone talking to you in a noisy room?

6. Can you concentrate on something (e.g.) your homework for thirty minutes without a break?

7. Do you remember everything you ate the day before yesterday?

8) Do you often forget your account password?

If you want to become a healthier person – make little changes.

In our lesson today we’ll give you basic tips to live a long and happy life.

Don’t forget to add useful ideas to your mind maps.

Get lots of sleep.

To be healthy you’ll need 8 to 10 hours of sleep every day. This keeps you awake and attentive, so you don’t have to drink energy drinks.

Laugh and smile!

People say that laughing every day makes you live 7 years longer, because it reduces stress. One thing is certain: even if laughing doesn’t make you live longer, it makes you feel better!

Do nothing for a short while.

Staying in dark, quiet place without having any stressful thoughts for about ten minutes will help you relax and feel better. Just do this twice a day.

Eat more fruit and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Try to get at least 2-3 portions of fruit per day.

Drink water!

Good old H2O is key in making you work during the day. Try drinking 250-gram glasses of water three times a day. It helps you re-energise and keep going. Not drinking enough fresh water leads to headaches and other problems. Do this and you’ll stay in good condition.

Get a little exercise every day.

This will not only make you feel better, and make you look better, but help you to get through the day.


It feels great! From when you wake up in the morning, to you gym class, this easy form of muscle exercise warms you up and makes you more flexible.

Run and jog!

This doesn’t mean run 5 km every morning. Just for about 10 minutes twice a week will keep you in shape. Don’t ever run for an hour and then suddenly stop and sit for another hour. It will hurt to walk next day.

Challenge yourself.

If you have 10 push-ups as your maximum, try going for 12! Little changes like this keep your body nice and fit.

Do something you love.

Play with a pet, go swimming, ride a bike or go for a walk. If you had a bad day at school, doing thing that you love to do, will keep you in good mood and take out your anger. Not only is this fun, but it lets you be yourself for a while. Try it!

And the last tip to better living is … Feel good about yourself!

There is always going to be someone in the room who does at least one thing better than you, so don’t compare yourself to other people! Find things you are good at, and use your talents!

Positive emotions are healthy, prolong life and make living pleasant.

Which tips you follow (don’t follow, would like to follow)?

Look at your mind maps and say: What is a healthy lifestyle?


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