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ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКАЯ РАБОТА Is it easy to be young? The problems of adolescence


Тема: Is it easy to be young? The problems of adolescence

Teens’ life is not very easy, nowadays. Many problems are associated with being young. Young people want to enjoy life and be independent and be taken seriously, to express their individuality and do well at school, earn money and change the world for the best. The problem is that sometimes teens do not get what they want. As a result, teenagers try to rebel against the society and reject everything. That is why they have different problems. The reasons of these problems are rather various.We took this topic because this problem applies to all adolescents, both in Russia and in other countries, for example in the UK, the teenager also cannot get along with parents, friends, classmates and so on. Teenagers from the age of 13 told a variety of bad things, like what he allegedly useless. And then later enters into various groups such as «blue whale», «quiet house» etc.

The aim of our work is to find out the most common teens’ problems and the ways of solving them.


Содержимое разработки



    1. Adolescent age. What is it?..............................................................................................4

    2. Behavior of the teenagers. The main features of this age………………………….…4

2.1 The most common problems of our classmates…………………………………..……6

2.2 Who can help teenagers to cope with these problems?..................................................6


List of literature ……………………………………………………………………………..9


  Teens’ life is not very easy, nowadays. Many problems are associated with being young. Young people want to enjoy life and be independent and be taken seriously, to express their individuality and do well at school, earn money and change the world for the best. The problem is that sometimes teens do not get what they want. As a result, teenagers try to rebel against the society and reject everything. That is why they have different problems. The reasons of these problems are rather various.We took this topic because this problem applies to all adolescents, both in Russia and in other countries, for example in the UK, the teenager also cannot get along with parents, friends, classmates and so on. Teenagers from the age of 13 told a variety of bad things, like what he allegedly useless. And then later enters into various groups such as «blue whale», «quiet house» etc.

The aim of our work is to find out the most common teens’ problems and the ways of solving them.

The goals of our work:

  • To find out the main teens’ problems and the reasons of these problems

  • To know what the teenage age is

  • To find out the most common problems of our classmates

  • To answer the question, who can help teenagers to cope with these problems

Object of study:

  • Teenagers

Subject of study:

  • Analysis of the survey «Teens’ problems»

    1. Adolescent age. What is it?

Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological human development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood (age of majority). The period of adolescence is most closely associated with the teenage years, though its physical, psychological and cultural expressions may begin earlier and end later.

    1. Behavior of the teenagers. The main features of this age.

Teenagers, in this period of time, are not easy. With the rapid development of the difficulties arise in the functioning of the heart, lungs, brain blood supply. In adolescence, emotional background becomes uneven, unstable.

Due to rapid growth and restructuring of the body during adolescence sharply increased interest in their appearance. It formed a new image of the physical "I". At this age, comes to the fore with peers. It is in the communion, the basic neoplasms: the emergence of self-consciousness, rethinking values, the assimilation of social norms. In this age period evaluation peer evaluation becomes more important for teachers and parents.

Increases the demands both at school and in the family. Often, however, the teenager is still seen as a child in the family. From this, many conflicts. In adolescents there is a passionate desire to be, if not, then at least to seem and be considered an adult.

Soviet psychologist El'konin allocated two periods in the age of adolescence: early adolescence (12-14 years) and older adolescents (early youth) (15-17 years).

Modern science defines adolescence depending on the country (region of residence), cultural and national characteristics, as well as the floor (from 12 to 17 years).

Transitional age is psychologically difficult transition for teenagers from childhood to adulthood.In different countries, depending on cultural and religious heritage, youth years is defined differently. Such a transition can be as simple legal formality (the age for obtaining a passport, the age of majority) and accompanied by religious rituals. This age is associated with the onset of puberty, the legal responsibility for their actions, obtaining rights enjoyed in a society grown man (for example, the right to drive vehicles, the right to vote in the election, authorization to marry, etc.). In different countries and religions of this age is determined in different ways: in 14, 16, 18, 21. From a psychological point of view, time of onset of puberty is individual. From a psychological point of view, the transition to adulthood among adolescents is manifested in the desire for independence in behavior, striving to find their place in society (position yourself), and sometimes to alter their environment to fit their tastes. This is the root cause of youth subcultures. For example, the subculture of the mods emerged in England because the teenagers were protesting against having to wear the same gray cloaks, like their parents, who are nearly 40 years old, and listen to the same music - began the search for younger style and a more energetic style of music, which was early stage in the development of rock music.

Also in the transition to adulthood adolescents appear political views (for the majority of political parties are creating a "youth wing") and the need to Express them — so you can often see teenagers at political meetings (up to skirmishes, where they manifest themselves as active participants) or involved in political agitation. Though the political views of adolescents may be the same as the sympathy of their parents, and not identical with them, which often leads to quarrels in the family. Often in political, social and religious beliefs manifested boyish.

In domestic psychology central neoplasm adolescence is identity. El'konin spoke about the feeling of adulthood as a central neoplasms. According to Bozovic, a change in the adolescent relationships during this period of his life to the world and to themselves. Teenager creates his world, his life plans that will ultimately allow him to live independently.

Another neoplasms is self-determination. The teenager begins to understand themselves and their capabilities, as well as its place in human society and its purpose in life.At this age, forming formal-logical intelligence, divergent and hypothetical-deductive thinking, reflection.

2.1 What are the most common problems among our classmates?

We had interviewed our classmates and found that teenagers are not understood by parents (23 %). 20 % of children suffer from the large number of homework. 15% of teens haven’t got problems. There is a result of the survey below.

So, we can conclude that many adults cannot and do not know how to help a child. The main solution to these problems is communication. If you are a parent of a teenager, the best thing you can do for him is communication with him and becoming a good friend to him.

2.2 Who can help teenagers to cope with these problems?

There are many tools to solve problems. How can they be solved? Teens can change themselves, talk to their parents, friends, peers and teachers. And also you can contact the specific organizations to care for adolescents. To a teenager was more confident, you need to be able to talk about the problems need to be more free to be able to solve them immediately. Teens need to realize that adults care about them. But also adults need to express it with the help of interest, care and assistance to adolescents. When young people cannot cope with their problems, they become depressed, run away from home, give birth to bad lifestyle, get in trouble and may commit suicide. We also wondered how our classmates cope with the difficulties. It turned out that most of our peers don’t solve their problems. But we advise them always to ask for the help of their parents. And parents should first communicate more with their children. Adolescence is an important stage in human development. Features adolescent psychology is recognized as one of the most difficult periods of personality development. This is a difficult time; parents have to go through this period with their children.


Adolescence is an important stage in human development. Features adolescent psychology is recognized as one of the most difficult periods of personality development. This is a difficult time, the parents have to go through with their children. From their side position should be defined and solid. The teenager is no longer a child but not yet an adult. He sees what changes occur with his body, but tests in connection with the conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he realizes that he becomes similar to adults, and that this process is natural. On the other hand, the changes scare teenager, he hesitates, especially if puberty had came a little earlier than his peers.

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