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Как ты знаешь Великобританию?

Тест предназначен для проверки знаний учащихся по теме "Соединенное Королевство" и содержит вопросы с выбором ответа.


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Тест «Как ты знаешь Великобританию»

1.The Romans conquered Britain in …

a)47 AD c)43BC

b)43AD d)45 AD

2.The full name of the country is …

a)England c)the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

b)Great Britain d)Britain

3.The capital of the country is …

a)Prague c)Washington

b)Glasgo d)London

4.The flag of the country is called …

a)St. George’s Flag c)St. Andrew’s Flag

b)Union Jack d)St. Patrick’s Flag

5.The floral symbol of England is …

a)the Red Rose c)the Leek

b)the Thistle d)the Shamrock

6.The floral symbol of Scotland is …

a)the Red Rose c)the Leek

b)the Thistle d)the Shamrock

7.The poetic name of the country is ALBION. From Latin it means …

a)foggy c)windy

b)white d)grey

8.The parts of the country are …

a)England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland c)England, Scotland, Ireland

b) England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland d)England, Scotland, Wales

9.The country is …

a)a republic c)a constitutional monarchy

b)a monarchy d)a federative republic

10.There are some rivers in the UK, such as …

a)the Tames, the Severn, the Clyde c) the Sena, the Severn, the Clyde

b)the Tames, the Severn, the Ob d) the Tames, the Amazon, the Clyde

11.The Head of the country is …

a)the President c)the Queen

b)the Prime-Minister d)the Parliament

12. Elizabeth II became the Queen of England in …

a)1955 c)1952

b)1951 d)1953

13. Elizabeth II was born in …

a)1943 c)1932

b)1916 d)1926

14.The Lord Chancellor is the Chairman in the House of Lords. He sits on the throne upon

a)a coat c)a woolsack

b)a cat d)a crown

15.Stonehenge is located in …

a)Wales c)Scotland

b)England d)Ireland

1)- b 3)- d 5)- a 7)- b 9)- c 11)- c 13)- d 15)- b

2)- c 4)- b 6)- b 8)- a 10)- a 12)- c 14)- c

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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