Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  5 класс  /  Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку по теме "Школьные клубы"

Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку по теме "Школьные клубы"

Материал способствует формированию и развитию коммуникативных компетенций обучающихся на основе различных форм речевой деятельности.

Описание разработки

Цели урока:

формирование и развитие коммуникативных компетенций обучающихся на основе различных форм речевой деятельности;

повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка;

расширение кругозора, повышение эрудиции;

формирование и развитие умений поиска и использования различных видов информации.


презентация “School Clubs”;

компьютер, экран, проектор, интерактивная доска;

раздаточный материал;

УМК «Enjoy English» М. З. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева.

Ход урока:

  1. Оргмомент.

Вступительное слово учителя.

Слайд №1

презентация Школьные клубы

Good - morning, students. Today I’m very glad to see you today. Do you like going to Lyceum? School life in Lyceum is very interesting, isn’t it? What makes it so interesting?

Let’s find it out with the help of the crossword. Look at the pictures on the active board, work in pairs and guess the key word.

Рисунок 1.

Слайды №2 - 8

So what’s the key word?

Now let’s see what you will do in the lesson.

Слайд №9

Use the symbols on the screen to guess the activities in the lesson.

2. Активизация лексики по теме.

а) активизация речевых опор для диалогического высказывания.

Before talking about your interests and clubs, let’s revise some expressions on the topic.

Слайд №10

(One of the students function as a teacher, the rest repeat the words after the classmate).

Then the students answer the teacher’s questions.

Are there any clubs in Lyceum?

Do you attend any school clubs?

What clubs do you go to? Why?

How often do you go there?

б) диалогическое высказывание по теме «Увлечения и хобби».

Let’s learn some more facts about your interests. Choose the club you like best and ask your partner about his/her hobbies. Try to guess which club your classmate chose. Use the example in your Student’s Book. It’s exercise 99 on page 32.

в) монологическое высказывание «Увлечения и хобби».

Work in groups and summarise the information about your classmates’ interests.

First, read the example on page 32, exercise 100.

3. Мини - проект учащихся.

Some of your classmates have a surprise for you. What did you make?

(The students answer that they made posters of their favourite clubs and want to invite other students to join the clubs).

Say what the students will learn to do in your clubs. All the rest, listen and guess (in pairs) which clubs they are from.

Which clubs would you like to join and why?

Which poster do you like most?

4. Аудирование.

а) введение новых лексических единиц по теме: «Увлечения и хобби».

Рисунок 2.

Слайд №11

You attend different clubs after your classes. How about British students? What do they do after school? The following video will help you answer the questions. But first, let’s guess the meaning of some words. Repeat them after me.

Work in pairs and match the pictures with the words.

б) просмотр видео о внеурочных занятиях британских школьников.

Take the worksheet for Task 3.

Now watch the video for the first time and tick the correct variant.

Рисунок 3.

Слайд №12

One student works at the active board.

Take the worksheet for Task 4. Watch the video again and cross out the false variants.

Слайд №13

One student works at the active board.

5. Словообразование.

  Do you remember Daniela from the video? What is she fond of?

Слайд №14

 Let’s see what words you can make from the word music.

Слайд №15

 (The students work in their exercise - books, one student works at the active board).

6. Динамическая минутка.

A school club helps us get special skills for our future profession. Which word on the screen means a profession?

Слайд №15

  What other professions do you know? Open your books on page 31 and remember

       some of them. Now let’s play the game “What’s my profession?”

  (A student mimes a typical activity which a job is involved in, the other students guess

       the profession).

7. Работа с текстом «Школьные клубы».

 Is it easy to choose a school club? It was difficult for Little Richard too. Let’s see what the boy decided to do. By the way, did you find the text difficult?

It’s interesting how well you understood the text.

Open your books on page 49.

What is the text about?

What was the boy’s final choice?

Choose the correct sentences.

  (The students choose the correct options).

  Now split into groups, take the worksheet for Task 5 and fill in the gaps in the story.

  Приложение 1.

        Fill in the gaps.

 One day Little Richard decided to choose a……… club. First, he went to a ………… club. It was a wonderful day. The next day a …………… teacher came to the class and spoke about nature, …………and…………. And Richard wanted to join the……………. Club.

On Friday the boy liked to swim in the ……………. . pool. At the weekend the boy went to the theatre. He wanted to become an ……………. . After that Richard was ……… because it was difficult to make a choice. His ………. . told Richard to make a choice later.

  Was it difficult to choose a club for you? Did you choose a club quickly?

8. Социологический опрос в классе.

  Finally, you made your choice. Let’s find out the interests of your class now.

  A group of students will help us by means of a class survey. What did you discover?

  (The students comment on the results of the survey).

Слайд №16

9. Заключительный этап урока.

а) домашнее задание и его комментирование.

Слайд №17

At home read Jim’s letter about his favourite club and say who helped him join the club (ex. 106 p. 33). Besides, put in the missing words in the text in your Workbook ( ex. 28 p. 13).

б) подведение итогов, комментирование полученных оценок.

What did you think about your work in the lesson?

Were active in the lesson?

Were you attentive in the lesson?

Were you tolerant in the lesson?

Did you first think before you spoke?

  What did you like in the lesson?

  What was difficult for you?

  Look at the screen and choose the smile that describes your work in the lesson.

Слайд №18

Our lesson is coming to the end. Today we’ve practiced talking about our interests and  favourite school clubs. In my opinion, you were active and friendly. Thank you for the lesson.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку по теме "Школьные клубы" (26.78 MB)

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