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Конспект урока английского языка на тему: "Забавный гороскоп"(7-9 классы)

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Lesson Planning Activities

Lesson overview (Background Information)

Name of lesson plan activity: Funny horoscopes — Making predictions and giving advice

Skill focus: Speaking and reading

Target students: ages 14–15 with ability level CEFR B1 (intermediate)

Objective of the lesson:

At the end of the lesson the learners will be familiar with and be able to use the language of making

predictions and giving advice effectively.

Materials used/needed in class:

Horoscope forecast sheets

New vocabulary:

The language of making predictions (You will…You are going to…You are likely to..) and giving advice(You need to/should/must…It is a good idea to…My advice is…You could try…You should definitely…I would suggest that…The most important thing to do is…)

Lesson plan

1.Introduction (10 minutes)

A teacher asks the learners to explain the meaning of the notion «Horoscope». After listening to the students` variants a teacher explains the definition.

«A horoscope is a forecast of events in a person`s life according to the position of celestial objects and the person`s zodiac sign.»

Then a teacher asks the learners what zodiac sign each of them belongs to.

As the students name their zodiac signs, the teacher writes down the words on the blackboard: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

A teacher asks the students if they are interested in horoscopes and if they are useful.

2.Presentation procedures.(15 minutes)

A teacher provides the students with sheets of paper where they can see the horoscope forecast for all the zodiac signs. Students read the predictions on their own.

Aries(March,21-April, 19 )

Dec 1, 2019 - New winds will begin to blow away the black clouds that have been hovering over you lately. What more could you want? Today will seem like a walk in the park compared to days past! You'll breathe better and come home feeling rested. Try to interact more with the people around you. They will appreciate it if you express genuine interest in their opinions.

Taurus(April, 20 - May, 20)

Get organized in the morning because later you're going to be more scattered. If you start with a solid plan for how to tackle the day's tasks, you're more likely to accomplish everything. If you don't remain strong and on task, other people will take advantage of your generous nature. You could end up doing more favors than work.

Gemini(May, 21 - June, 20)

There may be a frenzy of activity around you, but you'll be able to handle it. Your charm will get you through any door. You should be able to juggle many things at once, and others will look to you for support. You'll have a level head and calm demeanor and handle things diplomatically and honestly. Don't be surprised if things get more insane as the day wears on, but this shouldn't faze you.

Cancer(June, 21 - July, 22)

You can look forward to a bright day. What a relief it will be after the tension of the past several days. This would be a good time to confide in a close friend. It will help relieve some of the pressure you've been feeling inside. Be careful not to relax completely. If you do, you may not be able to get out of bed!

Leo(July, 23 - August, 22)

You're at an emotionally climactic time, and your feelings are erratic and perhaps unmanageable. Don't feel pressured into making logic out of anything. Your job is to take a deep breath and relax. Remember that life is an exciting adventure full of twists and turns. Erratic, roller-coaster emotions are a reminder of that. Enjoy the ride.

Virgo(August. 23 - September, 22)

There's something blossoming inside you today. The heavy pressure of the past several days has ebbed, and you're able to go about your business with a lighter heart. It would be a good idea to pay more attention to your body. Try to schedule more aerobic exercise and cut down on fats and sugars. Start some healthier habits.

Libra(September,23 - October, 22)

The last several days have been a bit of an ordeal, so you could be surprised by the brightness of the day ahead. Although you may not be trying to assert yourself any more than usual, you'll receive compliments and congratulations from many sources. Baffling, isn't it? Take advantage of the joys ahead without subjecting them to too much scrutiny.

Scorpio(October, 23 - November, 21)

As much as you want to change your financial situation, don't act rashly. If there are several options to choose from, you're advised to refrain from making any decision until your thoughts have crystallized. If you feel in a hurry to make progress, you can record your options so you have them to review in the light of a clearer day.

Sagittarius(November, 22 - December, 21)

This may be a laid-back day for you, but a period of calm will do you a lot of good. You could lounge around in a park and let your imagination go. Today's astral configuration will make you dream and remember your childhood. Rather than stressing about all that isn't getting done, why not go with the flow for a change?

Capricorn(December, 22 - January, 19)

Today will be lighthearted - and just in time, too. Life was getting serious there for a while. Smile and try to go outside your normal routine. What's the point of working so hard if you only reward yourself by slumping in a chair at home? Go for a ride in the country for an hour or two instead. It would do you good.

Aquarius(January, 20 - February, 18)

It's true that you aren't ten anymore, but who's to say you can't go back to your childhood now and again? Without going so far as to play hopscotch in the street or instigate a food fight in your favorite restaurant, go see some friends for some laughs. You've been working hard for a long time now and deserve a bit of fun. Don't hesitate.

Pisces(February, 19 - March, 20)

Your mood will be up and down and back and forth over the course of the day. You're riding high from the past couple days, and you feel more bonded with the people at your side. You feel a nurturing love from someone who's keeping your heart happy and your mind at ease. Toward the end of the day you may feel that people aren't as sincere as they seemed at first. Stay on guard.

Then a teacher checks the students understanding of the texts and asks them to underline and name the examples language structures for expressing predictions and pieces of advice in accord with the predictions from the text given. The students give their answers.

A teacher supplies the students with more new vocabulary items on print-outs .

Useful phrases for making predictions

  • You will…

  • You are going to…

  • Surely, you will...

  • You are likely to…

Useful phrases for giving advice

  • You need to/should/must…

  • It is a good idea to…

  • My advice is…

  • You could try…

  • You should definitely…

  • I would suggest that…

  • The most important thing to do is…

  • You’d better…

  • My recommendation would be…

  • The best possible way is…

  • Make sure you don’t …

3. Practice (20 minutes)

A teacher divides the class into pairs and asks the students to find out each other`s zodiac sign and to give predictions and advice in accord with the horoscope data.


Student A: When were you born?

Student B: I was born on the 21st of April.

Student A: Are you an Aries?

Student B: Yes, I am.

Student A: Your days are going to improve this week and you will feel rested.

Student B: Oh, and how should I behave?

Student A: It is a good idea to interact more with the people around you. They will surely appreciate it if you express genuine interest in their opinions.


Students should find out the zodiac signs of their family members, search the predictions for them and share their results at the next lesson.

5. Reflection.

A teacher asks the students what they have learnt at the lesson and what they have liked about it.

Self-evaluation. A teacher thinks over his activity, lesson plan, whether the lesson was a success or there are some aspects to improve.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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