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Mark Twain. The Prince and the Pauper.

Учащимся предлагается выполнить 5 заданий на проверку понимания прочитанного.

Содержимое разработки

  • A. Read the first sentences and guess:

What book is it?

Who is it written by?

  • B. Read the text and do the tasks.

Tom Canty is the youngest son of a poor family living with the drags of society in Offal Court. He has always aspired to a better life, encouraged by the local priest who has taught him to read and write. Loitering around the palace gates one day, he sees a prince (the Prince of Wales – Edward VI). Coming too close in his intense excitement, Tom is caught and beaten by the Royal Guards. However, Edward stops them and invites Tom into his palace chamber. There the two boys get to know one another, fascinated by each other’s life and their uncanny resemblance. They decide to switch clothes «temporarily». The Prince goes outside, quickly hiding an article of national importance (the Great Seal of England), but dressed in Tom’s rags, he is not recognized by the guards. They drive him from the palace, and he eventually finds his way through the streets to the home of the Canty’s. There he is subjected to the brutality of Tom’s abusive father, later he manages to escape from him. Then he meets Miles Hendon, a soldier and nobleman returning from war. Although Miles does not believe Edward’s claims to royalty, he humours him and becomes his protector. Meanwhile, news reaches them that King Henry VIII has died and Edward is now the king.

Tom, posing as the prince, tries to cope with court customs and manners. His fellow nobles and palace staff think «the prince» has an illness, which has caused memory loss and fear that he will go mad. They repeatedly ask him about the missing «Great Seal», but he knows nothing about it. However, when Tom is asked to sit in on judgments, his common-sense observations reassure them his mind is sound.

After a series of adventures (including a stint in prison), Edward interrupts the coronation that Tom is about to celebrate as King Edward VI. Tom is eager to give up the throne. However, the nobles refuse to believe that the beggarly child Edward appears to be the rightful king until he produces the Great Seal that he has hidden before leaving the palace. Tom declares that if anyone has described the seal he could have given it at once, since he had found it inside a decorative suit of armor (where Edward has hidden it) and has been using it to crack nuts.

Edward and Tom switch back to their original places and Miles is rewarded with the rank of earl and the family right to sit in the presence of the king. In gratitude for supporting the new king’s claim to the throne, Edward names Tom the «king’s ward». This privileged position he holds for the rest of his life.

As Edward experiences the brutish life of a pauper firsthand, he becomes aware of the stark class inequality in England. In particular, he sees the harsh, punitive nature of the English judicial system where people are burned at the stake, pilloried, and flogged. He realizes that the accused are convicted on flimsy evidence and branded – or hanged – for petty offenses, and vows to reign with mercy when he regains his rightful place.

Mark Twain.

The Prince and the Pauper.

Mark Twain. The prince and the Pauper.

Task 1. Match the beginning and ending of each sentence.

  1. Tom Canty

  1. is rewarded with the rank of earl and the family right to sit in the presence of the king.

  1. Edward,

  1. the Prince of Wales, invites Tom into his palace chamber.

  1. The local priest

  1. has taught Tom to read and write.

  1. Miles Hendon

  1. has been used by Tom to crack nuts.

  1. The Great Seal of England

  1. is the youngest son of a poor family living in Offal Court.

Task 2. Who are they?

  1. He has always aspired to a better life, encouraged by the local priest.

  1. He, posing as the prince, tries to cope with court customs and manners.

  1. They get to know one another, fascinated by each other’s life and their uncanny resemblance.

  1. They think «the prince» has an illness, which has caused memory loss.

  1. He experiences the brutish life of a pauper and vows to reign with mercy when he regains his rightful place.

Task 3. True/ False/ Not stated?

  1. The local priest does not believe Edward’s claims to royalty.

  1. Edward learns about his father’s death from the local priest.

  1. Tom interrupts the coronation that Edward is about to celebrate as King Edward VI.

  1. In gratitude for supporting the new king’s claim to the throne, Edward names Tom the «king’s ward».

  1. This privileged position Tom holds for the rest of his life.

Task 4. Fill in the gaps. Write the words.

  1. Tom is caught and beaten by the Royal _________________

  1. excesperien

  1. They decide to switch clothes and the Prince goes outside, quickly hiding an article of national _______.

  1. begrlyga

  1. Dressed in Tom’s rags, he is not ______ by the guards. They drive him from the palace,

  1. rdguas.

  1. The nobles refuse to believe that the _______ child Edward appears to be the rightful king.

  1. ceporimtan

  1. As Edward _________ the brutish life of a pauper firsthand, he becomes aware of the stark class inequality in England.

  1. cogrenized

Task 5. What is it?

  1. The place where Tom is caught and beaten by the Royal Guards.

  1. The place where Edward has hidden the seal.

  1. An article of national importance.

  1. The privileged position Tom holds for the rest of his life.

  1. The place where the drags of society live.


Task 1. Match the beginning and ending of each sentence. 5











Task 2. Who? 5





two boys/ Tom and Edward


Tom’s fellow nobles and palace staff/palace people




Task 3. True/ False/ Not stated? 5











Task 4. Fill in the gaps. Write the words. 5/5
















Task 5. What is it? 3*5=15


5. Offal Court


4. The «king’s ward»


3. The Great Seal of England.


2. Inside a decorative suit of armor.


1. Around the palace gates.

Max - 40

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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