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Проект по английскому языку

Все люди любят праздники… Праздники — это традиции, которые существовали веками. Сам по себе Праздник — это отрезок времени, выделенный в календаре в честь чего-либо или кого-либо, имеющий сакральное (не бытовое, мифическое) значение и связанный с культурной или религиозной традицией.

Содержимое разработки

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain     Relevance - the study of public holidays in English-speaking countries - a means of tolerance and integration of the peoples of the world.  The hypothesis of the study is an independent study of folk holidays, customs, and traditions, which will make it possible to draw up a comparative calendar of holidays for Russia and Great Britain for Russian youth.  The object of research is the process of studying the mentality of peoples Russia and Great Britain based on the analysis of national holidays and traditions of the two countries.  The subject of the research is folk holidays and traditions of Russia and Great Britain.  The practical significance lies in the fact that the studied generalized material and the created calendar of holiday dates in Russia and the UK can be used by people of different ages.

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

Relevance - the study of public holidays in English-speaking countries - a means of tolerance and integration of the peoples of the world.

The hypothesis of the study is an independent study of folk holidays, customs, and traditions, which will make it possible to draw up a comparative calendar of holidays for Russia and Great Britain for Russian youth.

The object of research is the process of studying the mentality of peoples Russia and Great Britain based on the analysis of national holidays and traditions of the two countries.

The subject of the research is folk holidays and traditions of Russia and Great Britain.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the studied generalized material and the created calendar of holiday dates in Russia and the UK can be used by people of different ages.

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain    The purpose of the study is to analyze the holiday dates of Russia and the United Kingdom, and compare the mentality of the peoples of the two cultures. Research Objectives:  - find particularly significant holidays that have common historical roots in both cultures; - identify and analyze borrowed holidays, analog holidays, holidays characteristic only for Russia, holidays characteristic only for the UK.

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

The purpose of the study is to analyze the holiday dates of Russia and the United Kingdom, and compare the mentality of the peoples of the two cultures.

Research Objectives:

- find particularly significant holidays that have common historical roots in both cultures; - identify and analyze borrowed holidays, analog holidays, holidays characteristic only for Russia, holidays characteristic only for the UK.

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain  Each country has its own characteristics in holding various holidays. The main thing is that the holiday brings joy and fun, because that is why it is a holiday.

The difference and similarity of the two cultures. Holidays in Russia and Great Britain

Each country has its own characteristics in holding various holidays.

The main thing is that the holiday brings joy and fun, because that is why it is a holiday.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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