Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  6 класс  /  Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Halloween party!"

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Halloween party!"

Внеклассное мероприятие разработано для развития социокультурного и межкультурного направления, знакомства обучающихся с культурой стран изучаемого языка, основными традициями, связанными с празднованием этого праздника.

Описание разработки


  1. Warm - up

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

Today is the most favorite holiday for all Britains and Americans!

Watch the video and guess the holiday!

(video 2, yellow disk)

Do you know this holiday?

Is it a horrible holiday? Really?

Do you know that it is the day of all saints! It’s not a holiday of monsters and witches!

Today we have got an unusual lesson. We celebrate Halloween!

So I’d like you to divide into 2 groups.

Think about the name of your team!

  1. Phonetic drill

Do you know that all British children like this holiday very much?

Why do they like it?

Because of trick or treat and bobbing for an apple!

Let’s try to learn the short poem about bobbing for apples!


Watch us bobbing for an apple?

For an apple, apple, apple

But no apple, apple, apple

Not an apple can I get.

Oh I cannot catch an apple,

Not one apple, apple, apple

Though my sister got an apple

All I get was soaking wet.

  1. Конкурс «Bobbing for an apple»

(Достать яблоко из чашки)

  1. New vocabulary

Do you know the main symbols of Halloween?

Let’s check then!

(presentation “Symbols of Halloween”)

Слова напечатать на листочке)

  1. Crossword

Now let’s check your memory and find the Halloween words. The more you find the more points you get for your team.

  1. Make Jack - O - Lantern

Read the instructions and make the symbol of Halloween

(оранжевые шарики маркеры или фломастеры!)

  1. What is the traditional colour of Halloween?

The letters were mixed by an angry witch. Your task is to make up the words and name the traditional colours!

(на доске таблички - цвета с перепутанными буквами)

  1. Compare the houses

You see people in Great Britain usually decorate their houses; they have a kind of a competition. Your task is to compare the houses.

Use the construction “There is / there are and the given words. Describe the picture.

  1. Imagine yourselves The British children.

They usually sing Halloween songs. Let’s sing too

(видео1, желтый диск) слова песни раздать на листочках!

  1. Trick or treat.

Get your treat for your work!

Good luck boys and girs.

Содержимое разработки

Halloween party

6 -7 form

  1. Warm-up

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

Today is the most favorite holiday for all Britains and Americans!

Watch the video and guess the holiday!

(video 2, yellow disk)

Do you know this holiday?

Is it a horrible holiday? Really?

Do you know that it is the day of all saints! It’s not a holiday of monsters and witches!

Today we have got an unusual lesson. We celebrate Halloween!

So I’d like you to divide into 2 groups.

Think about the name of your team!

  1. Phonetic drill

Do you know that all British children like this holiday very much?

Why do they like it?

Because of trick or treat and bobbing for an apple!

Let’s try to learn the short poem about bobbing for apples!


Watch us bobbing for an apple?

For an apple, apple, apple

But no apple, apple, apple

Not an apple can I get.

Oh I cannot catch an apple,

Not one apple, apple, apple

Though my sister got an apple

All I get was soaking wet.

  1. Конкурс «Bobbing for an apple»

(Достать яблоко из чашки)

  1. New vocabulary

Do you know the main symbols of Halloween?

Let’s check then!

(presentation “Symbols of Halloween”)

Слова напечатать на листочке)

  1. Crossword

Now let’s check your memory and find the Halloween words. The more you find the more points you get for your team.

  1. Make Jack-O-Lantern

Read the instructions and make the symbol of Halloween

(оранжевые шарики маркеры или фломастеры!)

  1. What is the traditional colour of Halloween?

The letters were mixed by an angry witch. Your task is to make up the words and name the traditional colours!

(на доске таблички - цвета с перепутанными буквами)

  1. Compare the houses

You see people in Great Britain usually decorate their houses; they have a kind of a competition. Your task is to compare the houses.

Use the construction “There is / there are and the given words. Describe the picture.

  1. Imagine yourselves The British children.

They usually sing Halloween songs. Let’s sing too

(видео1, желтый диск) слова песни раздать на листочках!

  1. Trick or treat.

Get your treat for your work!

Good luck boys and girs.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Halloween party!" (16.13 КB)

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