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Round the calendar


Содержимое разработки

The technological map ( scheme) of the lesson


September 12, 2017


8th G form Length: 45 Book: Fly High 8




Round the calendar

The outcome ( aim) of the lesson


K: to give some information about HOLIDAYS

K: to help pupils identify what they understand

A: to make up their own business plan

S:to give a chance to create sentences

( K – knowledge, A- ability, S – skills)

Upbringing : to create healthy atmosphere Developing: to develop and improve pupils’ listening, reading , speaking and writing skills; ( from the theme’s point)

The type of the lesson

To assimilate the theme

The style ( way) of the lesson

Listening , reading, speaking , writing

The method of the lesson:

Method : Brainstorm and Ice breaker , Cluster and so on

The kind of the lesson

Combination lesson

The form of the lesson

Individual work, work in pairs and groups

The visual aids ( technical supplies)

Computer, slide, internet, online – net, video and so on.

The visual aids ( educational supplies)

Books, blackboard, card-questions, coloured pictures, handouts, prepared posters, computer, projector and worksheets

The future result

Teacher: the theme will be assimilated by pupils during the lesson. They’ll be active and inspired, and improve their educational skills (Listening , reading, speaking , writing according to the CEFR)

Pupils: they will learn about holidays and traditions of the USA, the UK and Uzbekistan.

The future plan

Teacher: to research new method and put it into practice, to connect theme with economy and real life

Pupils: they can work in group and think like English

The block – scheme of the lesson:


The stage of the lesson

The part of the stage

The method




The organizational moment

  1. Greeting

  2. Checking previous lesson and homework

Orally, warm up





The explanation part of the lesson

  1. Activity 1. Answer the questions

  2. Activity 2. Doing matching activity

  3. Activity 3. Watching the video and get main idea



Handout 1


Handout 2



Strengthening of the lesson

Activity 4. Watching the video and

Answer the question. True-False activity


Handout 3



The end of the lesson

  1. Marking

  2. Giving homework



The motto of the lesson: Never stop, learn , read and inspire yourself !

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Greetings

  2. Organize psychological climate

  3. Checking the previous lesson and homework

(Doing homework on page 13 and exercise 4 on page 9)

T: Good morning dear boys and girls

P: Good morning teacher

T: What season is it now?

P: it ‘s winter.

T: Excellent. What date is it today?

P: Today is the 14th of September

Teacher: What is the weather like today?

P: It’s cool.

T: What is your homework?

Doing homework on page 13 and exercise 4 on page 9

  1. What English or American national holidays and traditions do you know?

  2. What is the differences between Christmas and New Year?

  3. Is bonfire night a national holiday? Or tradition?

  4. Do people go to work or children go to school on this day?

To tell the pupils your favourite holiday and ask them about their favourite one. My favourite holiday is Navruz the reason for that I really like ko`k chuchvara and manti in that case I love Navruz. And what about you?

Activity 1.

Now we will do an activity.

I will give you some sheet of papers. And you should find a second part of the paper. In this paper is written about a holiday , but half information is another pupils` hand . You must find it and get whole information.

Activty 2. We have learnt about some of the holidays of the UK and the USA . In this lesson we will learn another holidays and traditions.

Boxing day is a day when families get together and open the boxes.

Easter officially starts with Lent on Ash Wednesday .

The last one is Pancake day or Shrove Tuesday. It is the last day before Lent. On this day people cook delicious pancakes and it has a pancake races.

Pancake day is the last chance to eat fatty food before Lent. Reason behind that in Lent lasts 40 days and people may not eat fatty food. So that another name of Pancake Day is Fatty Tuesday.

Activity 3. Now we will watch a video and we will listen carefully . You must write a new words which you don’t know the meaning!

Watch the video!!

Activity 4. Doing True-False activity.

I have handouts which are demonstrated about Pancake Day. You have to tick. True or False. If information is right. You will tick in true. If it is unreliable you will tick false.

The end of the lesson:

Assessment: Marking the pupils with smiles and marks.

Giving homework.

Activity 3a On page 10

Find more information about holidays of the UK.

Boxing Day


Pancake Day

National Ice-cream Day

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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