
My Toys. Part 1

Урок 23. Английский язык 2 класс ФГОС

В ходе данного урока ребята узнают о том, как спрашивать о чьей-то любимой игрушке. Также учащиеся смогут выучить новые слова по теме «Мои игрушки».

Конспект урока "My Toys. Part 1"

Toy Box

Toys in the toy box

Come alive!

Walk and talk

on the count of five

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

- Hello, our dear friends! My name is Maggie. I’m a doll.

- Hello, everyone! My name is Benny. And I’m a teddy-bear.

- Hello, boys and girls! I’m Legoman!

- Welcome to our lesson!

- We are happy to see you!

- All right! Now we can start our lesson.

And today in the lesson we will:

Сегодня на уроке мы:

· learn how to ask about someone’s favourite toy;

узнаем, как спрашивать о чьей-то любимой игрушке;

· learn new words and revise the old ones;

выучим новые слова и повторим старые;


· put the knowledge into practice.

и применим знания на практике.

- Boys and girls, let’s start!

- First of all, we will learn new words and revise the old ones.

- And the words are…

Teddy bear

The translation is:

Плюшевый, игрушечный медведь

We can also write “teddy bear” with a hyphen.

Hyphen – дефис.

Listen and repeat after me!

Teddy bear… Teddy bear…

For example:

Nicole bought a brown teddy bear yesterday.

Николь купила коричневого плюшевого медведя вчера.

Toy soldier

The translation is:

Игрушечный солдат

Listen and repeat after me!

Toy soldier… Toy soldier…

For example:

Mum, I just love my new toy soldier!

Мама, я просто обожаю своего нового игрушечного солдата!



Listen and repeat after me!

Ballerina… Ballerina…

For example:

Jessica, my favourite toy is a ballerina.

Джессика, моя любимая игрушка — это балерина. 



Listen and repeat after me!

Doll… Doll…

For example:

Kylie, how many dolls have you got in your collection?

Кайли, сколько кукол в твоей коллекции?



Listen and repeat after me!

Ball… Ball…

For example:

Dad, my new ball is so colourful!

Папа, мой новый мяч такой яркий!



Listen and repeat after me!

Toy… Toy…

For example:

Jenna’s favourite toy is her pink bicycle.

Любимая игрушка Джены — это её розовый велосипед.

Toy box

Коробка для игрушек

Listen and repeat after me!

Toy box… Toy box…

For example:

Kate, put your toys back in the toy box!

Кейт, положи свои игрушки обратно в коробку!



Listen and repeat after me!

Bedroom … Bedroom…

For example:

The walls in my bedroom are green.

Стены в моей спальне зелёные.

Now let’s revise all these words once again.

Listen and repeat after me!

Teddy bear

Toy soldier





Toy box


Great! Now let’s learn how to ask about someone’s favourite toy.

To ask about someone’s favourite toy we can use the following question:

What’s your favourite toy?

The translation is:

Какая твоя любимая игрушка?

To answer this question we can use the phrase:

My favourite toy is…

The translation is:

Моя любимая игрушка – это…

For example:

- What’s your favourite toy?

- My favourite toy is a ball.

Now look! This is Fiona. And this is her bedroom.

This is Jason. And this is his bedroom.

Now let’s answer the question:

How many toys are there in Fiona’s bedroom?

Сколько игрушек у Фионы в спальне?

Let’s count together.

1, 2, 3, 4

It means that…

There are four toys in Fiona’s bedroom.

Now let’s answer the second question:

How many toys are there in Jason’s bedroom?

Сколько игрушек у Джэйсона в спальне?

Let’s count together.

1, 2, 3

It means that…

There are three toys in Jason’s bedroom.

Now look! This is Sydney. She wants to interview Fiona and Jason.

Let’s listen to their conversation.

- Fiona, what’s your favourite toy?

- Well… My favourite toy is a teddy bear.

- Jason, what’s your favourite toy?

- Sydney, my favourite toy is a toy soldier.

Boys and girls, now I would like to check your knowledge.

Task 1.

Read the sentences and choose the right variant.

Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. There are …… toys in Fiona’s bedroom.

The variants are:

a) five

b) two

c) three

d) four

Let’s check.

The right answer is:


2. Fiona’s favourite toy is a ……

The variants are:

a) teddy bear

b) toy soldier

c) ballerina

d) doll

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:


3. There are …… toys in Jason’s bedroom.

The variants are:

a) five

b) two

c) three

d) four

Let’s check.

The right answer is:


4. Jason’s favourite toy is a ……

The variants are:

a) teddy bear

b) toy soldier

c) ball

d) doll

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:


Task 2.

Match the pictures with the words.

Соотнесите картинки со словами.

The pictures are…

And the words are…

Let’s check the right answers.






Toy box


Toy soldier


Teddy bear

- Well done, boys and girls!

- Now it’s time to say goodbye to everyone.

- Oh, yes, you’re right, Legoman! Goodbye, everyone!

- Goodbye, boys and girls!

- Goodbye!


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Юлия Жуйкова, 14.03.2021 19:57
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