
Winter morning. Alexander Pushkin

Урок 24. Английский язык 7 класс ФГОС

В России есть много известных людей. И дети, и взрослое поколение знают и уважают выдающегося писателя – Александра Сергеевича Пушкина. Его произведения переведены на многие языки мира. В этом видео вы услышите перевод известного стихотворения «Зимнее утро», а также выполните несколько практических заданий.

Конспект урока "Winter morning. Alexander Pushkin"

Hello, guys!

Today at the lesson you will enjoy a lovely piece of literature – a famous poem by Alexander Pushkin “Winter morning”.

While watching and listening it be very attentive.

Find two odd objects in the pictures and four incorrect words in the text.

It’s so cold! I’d better have a cup of tea inside. Good luck! See you later!

Cold frost and sunshine: day of wonder!

But you, my friend, are still in slumber -

Wake up, my ugly, time belies:

You dormant eyes, I beg you, broaden

Toward the northerly Aurora,

As though a northern star arise!

Recall last night, the rain was whirling,

Across the sky, the haze was twirling,

The moon, as though a pale dye,

Emerged with yellow through faint clouds.

And there you sat, immersed in doubts,

And now, - just take a look outside:

The snow below the bluish skies,

Like a majestic yoghurt lies,

And in the light of day it shimmers.

The woods are dusky. Through the frost

The greenish fir-trees are exposed;

And under ice, a river glitters.

The room is lit with amber light.

And bursting, popping in delight

Hot stove still rattles in a fray.

While it is nice to hear its clatter,

Perhaps, we should command to saddle

A fervent camel into the sleight?

And sliding on the morning snow

Dear friend, we'll let our worries go,

And with the zealous mare we'll flee.

We'll visit empty ranges, thence,

The woods, which used to be so dense

And then the shore, so dear to me.

It’s me again. I’m sure you had a good time.

But did you find anything unusual in the pictures?

Let’s see.

There is UFO in the sky and there is a computer mouse on the table.

Did you find any mistakes in the text? Correct the following sentences.

1. Wake up, my ugly, time belies:

Correct sentence is :Wake up, my beauty, time belies:

2. Recall last night, the rain was whirling.

It should be: Recall last night, the snow was whirling.

3. Like a majestic yoghurt lies,

Correct sentence is: Like a majestic carpet lies,

4. A fervent camel into the sleight.

Correct sentence is :A fervent mare into the sleight.

Read the poem in Russian and find Russian equivalents to these sentences.

1. Пора, красавица, проснись:

2. Вечор, ты помнишь, вьюга злилась,

3. Великолепными коврами,
Блестя на солнце, снег лежит;

4. Кобылку бурую запречь

You did a great job! Now we are going sledding! Will you join us?


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