
Clothes. Part 1

Урок 28. Английский язык 2 класс ФГОС

С помощью данного видеоурока ребята выучат новые слова по теме «Одежда». Затем учащиеся смогут закрепить полученные знания на практике, выполнив три интересных упражнения.

Конспект урока "Clothes. Part 1"

Toy Box

Toys in the toy box

Come alive!

Walk and talk

on the count of five

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

- Hello, our dear friends! My name is Maggie. I’m a doll.

- Hello, everyone! My name is Benny. And I’m a teddy-bear.

- Hello, boys and girls! I’m Legoman!

- Welcome to our lesson!

- We are happy to see you!

- All right! Now we can start our lesson.

And today in the lesson we will:

Сегодня на уроке мы:

· talk about clothes;

поговорим про одежду;

· learn new words;

выучим новые слова;


· put the knowledge into practice.

и применим знания на практике.

- Boys and girls, let’s start!

- First of all, we will learn new words.

- And the words are…


The translation is:

Куртка, пиджак

Listen and repeat after me!

Jacket… Jacket… Jacket…

For example:

Jordan, I really like your green jacket!

Джордан, мне очень нравится твой зелёный пиджак!


It’s translated as:


Listen and repeat after me!

Coat… Coat… Coat…

For example:

Put your grey coat on, it’s cold outside!

Надень своё серое пальто, на улице холодно!



Listen and repeat after me!

Shorts… Shorts… Shorts…

For example:

Kyle, your orange shorts look great with this blue T-shirt.

Кайл, твои оранжевые шорты смотрятся отлично с этой синей футболкой.


Шляпа, шапка

Listen and repeat after me!

Hat… Hat… Hat…

For example:

Christopher, your new hat looks really good on you!

Кристофер, тебе очень идёт твоя новая шапка!



Listen and repeat after me!

Wear… Wear… Wear…

For example:

Thomas, what should I wear today?

Томас, что мне сегодня надеть?

Now let’s revise all these words once again.

Listen and repeat after me!






Well done, boys and girls! Now let’s talk about clothes.

To talk about clothes, we can use the following phrases:

I am wearing…

He is wearing…

She is wearing…

It is wearing…

You are wearing…

We are wearing…

They are wearing…

Look at the examples:

I am wearing a pink dress.

На мне розовое платье.

He is wearing a blue T-shirt and green shorts.

На нём синяя футболка и зелёные шорты.


They are wearing purple T-shirts and yellow trousers.

На них фиолетовые футболки и жёлтые штаны.

- That’s all you need to know, boys and girls!

- And now we would like to check your knowledge.

Task 1.

Look at the pictures and choose the right variant.

Посмотрите на картинки и выберите правильный вариант ответа!

The first picture is…

And the variants are:

a) Jacket

b) Coat

c) Shorts

d) Hat

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

a) Jacket

The second picture is…

And the variants are:

a) Hat

b) Coat

c) Shorts

d) Jacket

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:

c) Shorts

The following picture is…

And the variants are:

a) Shorts

b) Hat

c) Coat

d) Jacket

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

b) Hat

And the last picture is…

The variants are:

a) Hat

b) Jacket

c) Shorts

d) Coat

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:

d) Coat

Task 2.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions!

Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы!

Look! This is Jennifer.

And the question is:

What is Jennifer wearing today?

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

Jennifer is wearing a grey coat and a green hat today.

Now look! This is Julia.

And the question is:

What is Julia wearing today?

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:

Julia is wearing a green jacket and brown shorts today.

Now look! This is Stephanie.

And the question is:

What is Stephanie wearing today?

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

Stephanie is wearing a pink coat and a red and white hat today.

Now look! This is Brooke.

And the question is:

What is Brooke wearing today?

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:

Brooke is wearing a blue jacket and an orange hat today.

Task 3.

Complete the sentences!

Закончите предложения!

And the sentences are:

1. This is a ……

2. This is a ……

3. This is a ……

4. These are ……

Let’s check the right answers.

1. This is a red jacket.

2. This is a green hat.

3. This is a pink coat.

4. These are blue shorts.

- Well done, boys and girls!

- Now it’s time to say goodbye to everyone.

- Oh, yes, you’re right, Legoman! Goodbye, everyone!

- Goodbye, boys and girls!

- Goodbye!


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