
Clothes. Part 2

Урок 30. Английский язык 2 класс ФГОС

В ходе этого урока ребята узнают о том, как спрашивать о чьей-то любимой одежде. Также учащиеся смогут выучить новые слова по теме «Одежда» и повторить старые.

Конспект урока "Clothes. Part 2"

Toy Box

Toys in the toy box

Come alive!

Walk and talk

on the count of five

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

- Hello, our dear friends! My name is Maggie. I’m a doll.

- Hello, everyone! My name is Benny. And I’m a teddy-bear.

- Hello, boys and girls! I’m Legoman!

- Welcome to our lesson!

- We are happy to see you!

- All right! Now we can start our lesson.

And today in the lesson we will:

Сегодня на уроке мы:

· learn how to ask about someone’s favourite clothes;

узнаем, как спрашивать о чьей-то любимой одежде;

· learn new words and revise the old ones;

выучим новые слова и повторим старые;


· put the knowledge into practice.

и применим знания на практике.

- Boys and girls, let’s start!

- First of all, we will learn new words and revise the old ones.

- And the words are…


The translation is:


Listen and repeat after me!

Socks… Socks…

For example:

Julia, I really like your blue socks!

Джулия, мне очень нравятся твои голубые носки!


It’s translated as:


Listen and repeat after me!

Jeans… Jeans…

For example:

Jessica, these jeans look really good on you!

Джессика, тебе очень идут эти джинсы!



Listen and repeat after me!

Skirt… Skirt…

For example:

Kate, I really like your new red skirt!

Кейт, мне очень нравится твоя новая красная юбка!


Майка, футболка

Listen and repeat after me!

T-shirt… T-shirt…

For example:

Jillian, look! This is my favorite T-shirt.

Джиллиан, посмотри! Это моя любимая футболка.


Брюки, штаны

Listen and repeat after me!

Trousers… Trousers…

For example:

I can’t get these marks out of my trousers.

Я не могу отстирать эти пятна на моих штанах!


Обувь, туфли

Listen and repeat after me!

Shoes… Shoes…

For example:

Sophia and Elizabeth sell shoes and clothes.

София и Элизабет продают обувь и одежду.


Куртка, пиджак

Listen and repeat after me!

Jacket… Jacket…

For example:

Jacob, I’m wearing a sweater under my jacket.

Джейкоб, у меня под курткой — свитер.



Listen and repeat after me!

Coat… Coat…

For example:

My granny likes her new brown coat.

Моей бабушке нравится её новое коричневое пальто.



Listen and repeat after me!

Shorts… Shorts…

For example:

Alex, where did you get these pink shorts?

Алекс, где ты взял эти розовые шорты?


Шляпа, шапка

Listen and repeat after me!

Hat… Hat…

For example:

It’s hot and sunny outside! Put on your hat and sunglasses.

На улице жарко и солнечно! Надень свою шляпу и очки.

Now let’s revise all these words once again.

Listen and repeat after me!











- Well done, boys and girls!

- Now let’s learn how to ask about someone’s favourite clothes.

To ask about someone’s favourite clothes we can use the following question:

What are your favourite clothes?

The translation is:

Какая твоя любимая одежда?

Listen and repeat after me!

What are your favourite clothes?

What are your favourite clothes?

To answer this question we can use the phrase:

My favourite clothes are…

The translation is:

Моя любимая одежда – это…

Listen and repeat after me!

My favourite clothes are…

My favourite clothes are…

Look at example:

- James, what are your favourite clothes?

- Oh, my favourite clothes are jeans and jackets! Sam, what are your favourite clothes?

- My favourite clothes are trousers and coats.

Now look at the screen, please!

Here you can see:






They would like to tell you about their favourite clothes.

First, let’s listen to Landon.

Hello, boys and girls!

My name is Landon.

My favourite clothes are trousers, socks and coats.

I usually wear them when it’s cold outside.

Now, boys and girls, let’s listen to Jenna!

Hello, everyone!

My name is Jenna.

My favourite clothes are skirts, hats and shoes.

I usually wear them when it’s warm outside.

Now, everyone, let’s listen to Kevin!

Hello, boys and girls!

My name is Kevin.

My favourite clothes are jeans and jackets.

I usually wear them to work.

And now, boys and girls, let’s listen to Grace!

Hello, everyone!

My name is Grace.

My favourite clothes are shorts and T-shirts.

I wear them almost every day when it’s hot.

Boys and girls, now we would like to check your knowledge.

Match the children with their favourite clothes!

Соотнесите детей с их любимой одеждой!

Let’s check.

The right answers are:


Shorts and T-shirts


Jeans and jackets


Trousers, socks and coats


Skirts, hats and shoes

- Well done, boys and girls!

- Now it’s time to say goodbye to everyone.

- Oh, yes, you’re right, Legoman! Goodbye, everyone!

- Goodbye, boys and girls!

- Goodbye!


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