
Phrasal verb SET

Урок 64. Английский язык 8 класс ФГОС

В данном уроке предоставлена информация о фразовом глаголе to set и значениях, которые он приобретает в сочетании с различными предлогами. Грамматический практикум урока поможет учащимся активизировать словосочетания в устной и письменной речи.

Конспект урока "Phrasal verb SET"

Dora: Hi James! What are you doing there?

John: I’m just trying to set an alarm-clock for 6 a.m. tomorrow. I’m having an important exam tomorrow morning. But I can’t puzzle out how it works. Could you help me?

Dora: Yes, sure. Did you switch your telephone on?

John: Of course, I did!!!

Dora: Ha-ha-ha…I’m just checking.

First, you need to click on "Clock application" and then choose "to set an alarm" option. After that set the time, the day and tune. “Save” button and … finished.

John: Thanks a lot, Dora.

Dora: You’re welcome. Good luck on your exam! Set a good example for our Russian friends!

John: I will.

You see that we used a phrasal verb “set” quite often today.

As you might remember, phrasal verbs are very common in spoken and written English. So we need them to understand and speak natural English.

Phrasal verb is a verb followed by a preposition or an adverb;

the combination creates a meaning different from the original verb.

The verbs with “set” are very popular in English. You really get to know them.

In its primary meaning the phrasal verb set is translated like “настраивать, устанавливать”.

But if it is used with any of these prepositions: about, in, back, down, aside, off, out, up it has a completely different meaning and some of them have more than one. So let’s consider all of them.

Set about

The first meaning is to start doing something that will probably take a lot of effort or a long time – взяться (за дело).

I came back home and immediately set about cleaning the house.

After getting married he set about building the house.

Set aside

The first meaning is to save or keep money/time for a particular purpose – приберегать (деньги), оставлять (время).

I always try to set aside half an hour to sit and relax.

Another meaning is to not consider something, because other things are more important. – прекращать, не учитывать.

Let’s set aside our differences and start working.

Set back

The first meaning is to slow down a progress - препятствовать, задерживать, отодвигать.

The opening of a new museum has been set back by a few weeks.

Tomorrow we’ll have to set back the clock. Don’t forget about it.

Another meaning is to cost somebody a particular amount of money– стоить, обходиться.

The new car set us back a round sum.

One more meaning is to place something, especially a building, at a distance from something – помещать в стороне (от).

Is there a building set back from the road?

The house is set well back from the road.

Set down

The first meaning is to write something down on paper – записывать, излагать на бумаге.

Don’t forget to set down her name and address.

He set down his thoughts on paper.

Another meaning is to give something as a rule, principle, etc. – устанавливать, определять (порядок, правила, цены).

Who set down these rules?

All their claims are set down in this document.

Set in

(of rain, bad weather, infection, etc.) to begin and seem likely to continue – начинаться, наступать, устанавливаться (о погоде, времени года).

Autumn is setting in.

I'd like to get home before darkness sets in.

Disappointment seems to have set in inside him.

Set off

The first meaning is to start a journey – отправиться (в путь) = to set out.

What time are you setting off tomorrow afternoon?

I will set off for work at 9 a.m.

Another meaning is to cause to explode – взрывать, запускать (о бомбе, фейерверке, сигнализации и т.п.).

They had to set off a rocket.

One more meaning is to start a process or series of events – вызвать, послужить причиной.

The dollar’s decline has set off a wave of protests.

Set out

The first meaning is to begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal – приступать, намереваться что-либо сделать.

They succeeded in what they set out to do.

Another meaning is to arrange or display things – расставлять, раскладывать, располагать

Lunch for five was set out in the small room.

One more meaning is to present ideas, facts, etc. in an organized way, in speech or writing – представлять, излагать (факты, идеи, условия)

He set out his objections to the plan.

Set up

The first meaning is to create something or start it; found - основывать, учреждать (дело, предприятие).

A bank loan helped to set him up business.

Another meaning is to arrange for something to happen – организовывать, подготавливать (встречу).

I've set up a meeting for Friday.

One more meaning is to trick, deceive – подставить, подвести под обвинение

His colleague had set him up.

Set up also means to prepare equipment, software, etc., for use – устанавливать, смонтировать, размещать, поставить.

There are two ways to set up this program on your computer.

Now it’s time to check how well you’ve remembered the information of the lesson.

Complete the sentences with proper prepositions.

1. If we set out/off early, we should arrive in New York by lunchtime.

2. What a lovely new car! I bet that set you back a huge sum of money.

3. They set up business together only last August but then they argued over money.

4. The thieves set off the bomb to open the safe, only to discover that it was empty.

5. The rain seemed to have set in for the day.

6. He set down his thoughts on paper.

7. Why did they set all our offers aside?

8. He set about solving the problem very seriously.

Hopefully the information of the lesson was useful for you, guys!

Practise your grammar skills because practice makes perfect!


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