
Rooms in a house

Урок 33. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

С помощью данного видеоурока учащиеся узнают о том, какие комнаты бывают в доме. Также ребята смогут выучить новые слова по данной теме. Далее учащиеся смогут проверить свои знания путём выполнения упражнения.

Конспект урока "Rooms in a house"

– Hello, our dear friends! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Today we have two guests.

– This is Alex. And this is Julia.

– They are our classmates.

– Hello, boys! It’s so good to see you!

– Hello, Alex and Julia! It’s so good to see you too!

– All right! Now when everyone is here, we can start our lesson.

– Boys, what are we going to talk about today?

– Well… Today we would like to tell you about our house.

– Yeah! And we also want to show you the rooms in our house.

– Oh, wow! That sounds interesting!

– Oh, we are glad to hear that!

– All right! Now let’s start our lesson.

So today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about the rooms in a house;

·      learn new words;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

– First of all, look over there!

– That is our house.

A house

The translation is:


For example:

The house was in flames.

Дом был охвачен пламенем.

– Now, Julia, could you describe the house?

– Yes, of course!

The house is brown.

The roof of the house is blue.

There are five windows in it.

There is one door in this house.

The house has two storeys.

– Wonderful, Julia.

– Now, Alex and Julia, look at the rooms which are downstairs.

– This is a kitchen. Let’s look inside it.

A kitchen

The translation is:


Now let’s describe this room.

The kitchen is large.

It has a blue fridge.

There is a coffee machine in the kitchen.

This room has a gas stove.

There is a dishwasher in the kitchen.

There is also a microwave oven in it.

The kitchen has a washing machine.

– Now look! This is a living room. Let’s look inside.

A living room

The translation is:

Гостиная, зал

Now let’s describe this room.

The living room is big and comfortable.

There is a fireplace in it.

The living room has a big sofa.

There is a lovely picture on the wall.

There is also an armchair in this room.

The living room has a small table.

There are two windows in this room.

– Great! Now let’s discuss what rooms we have upstairs.

– Here we have a bedroom. Let’s look inside it.

A bedroom

The translation is:


Now let’s describe this room.

The bedroom is about normal size.

There is one window in this room.

The bedroom has one brown bed.

There is a picture on the wall.

This room has a brown wardrobe.

There is also a computer table in the bedroom.

This room has a chest of drawers.

– As you can see, we have two more rooms left.

– Now look! This is a study room. Let’s look inside.

A study room

The translation is:

Учебная комната

Now let’s describe this room.

The study room is in light colours.

There is one large window in this room.

There is also a brown table in the study room.

This room has a big bookshelf.

There is a wall clock on the wall.

The wall in the study room is green.

There is also a chest of drawers in this room.

– And the last room is in the middle of the second floor.

– It’s called a bathroom. Let’s look inside it.

A bathroom

The translation is:

Ванная комната

Now let’s describe this room.

The bathroom is about normal size.

The wall of this room is blue.

The bathroom has a small mirror.

There is a washbasin in this room.

There is also a bathtub in the bathroom.

This room has a yellow shelf.

There is a beautiful green curtain in the room.

– Now, let’s look around!

– As you can see, we have a beautiful garden.

A garden

The translation is:

Сад, огород

For example:

Kate, we need to weed the garden!

Кейт, нам нужно прополоть огород!

Now let’s describe the garden.

The garden is pretty big.

There are two gorgeous trees in it.

The garden has a lot of beautiful flowers.

All the flowers bloom!

– Alex and Julia, we’ve talked about the rooms in our house.

– We’ve also learnt new words.

– Yes, that’s right, boys!

– Now let’s revise all the words once again.

– Okay.

– Great!

Listen and repeat after me!

A house

A kitchen

A living room

A bedroom

A study room

A bathroom

A garden

– Well done, Alex and Julia!

– Thank you, boys!

– All right. Now we would like to check your knowledge if you don’t mind.

– Oh, sure! No problem!

– Wonderful!

Your task is to look at the pictures and answer the questions!

And the pictures are…

In the first picture we can see a kitchen.

In the second picture we see a study room.

In the following picture we see a garden.

And in the last picture we can see a bathroom.

Now answer the question:

Where is Christopher?

Check yourselves.

Christopher is in the garden.

The following pictures are…

In the first picture we can see a bedroom.

In the second picture we see a living room.

In the following picture we see a garden.

And in the last picture we can see a kitchen.

Now answer the question:

Where is Jennifer?

Let’s check the right answer.

Jennifer is in the bedroom.

And the last pictures are…

In the first picture we can see a garden.

In the second picture we see a bathroom.

In the following picture we see a study room.

And in the last picture we can see a bedroom.

Now answer the question:

Where is April?

Check yourselves.

April is in the bathroom.

– Well done, Alex and Julia!

– Thank you, boys!

– Yeah! And thank you so much for the interesting lesson!

– You’re welcome, guys!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends!

– See you soon.


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