
Prepositions of place

Урок 34. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

В ходе данного урока ребята смогут выучить такие предлоги места, как на, в, под, рядом, перед, сзади и между.

Конспект урока "Prepositions of place"

– Hello, our dear friends! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Today we have two guests.

– This is a donkey. His name is Oscar.

– Oscar is our friend.

– And this is Mr. White.

– He is our postman!

– Hello, everyone!

– Hello!

– Mr. White, what’s that?

– Oh, it’s a letter from Snoopy.

– Guys, who is Snoopy?

– Oscar, Snoopy is our old friend.

– Oh, I see.

– Thank you so much for the letter, Mr. White.

– You’re welcome! Bye, everyone!

– Bye, Mr. White.

– Guys, let’s read the letter right now!

– Yeah! I agree with Tobby. I can’t wait to hear the news from Snoopy.

– Okay! In this case, let’s start reading it.

“Hello, Bobby, Mobby and Tobby!

This is Snoopy. I’m writing you, because I need your help. Guys, could you tell me everything about the prepositions of place, please? I need to know this information to pass the test next Friday. I really count on you. Can’t wait to get your response letter. Many thanks, in advance, for your help!

Best wishes, Snoopy”

– Boys, we have to help Snoopy!

– Yes, I agree with you.

– Me too!

– Guys, in this case, let’s write the response letter and invite Snoopy to our place.

– Oh, that’s a wonderful idea!

– Let’s do that!

“Hello, Snoopy! We’ve got your letter. And we will be happy to help you! Come to our place tomorrow. The address is 25 Gold Street. We will tell you everything about the prepositions of place.

Best wishes, Bobby, Mobby, Tobby and Oscar”

So today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about the prepositions of place;

·      learn new words;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

– Hello, guys! I’m so happy to see you!

– Hello, Snoopy! We are happy to see you too!

– Boys, who’s this?

– Oh, this is our friend Oscar.

– Oh, cool! Nice to meet you, Oscar!

– Nice to meet you too, Snoopy.

– All right! Now let’s start our lesson.

– And first, let’s talk about the prepositions of place.

The prepositions of place

The translation is:

Предлоги места

Now let’s answer the question:

When do we use the prepositions of place?

We use the prepositions of place when we want to refer to a place where something or someone is located.

Look at the examples:

Robert watches TV in the living room.

Роберт смотрит телевизор в гостиной.


The picture hangs above my bed.

Картина висит над моей кроватью.

Now look at the screen, please! Today we are going to talk about the following prepositions of place:




Next to

In front of



And first, let’s talk about the preposition “on”.


The translation is “на”.

Look at the examples:

There is a lamp on the table in Jessica’s bedroom.

У Джессики в спальне на столе стоит лампа.


The dog is on the sofa.

Собака находится на диване.

The following preposition is “in”.

The translation is “в”.

Look at the examples:

My dad is in the study room.

Мой папа находится в учебной комнате.


Wendy, the eggs are in the fridge!

Вэнди, яйца находятся в холодильнике!

The following preposition is “under”.

The translation is “под”.

Look at the examples:

The toys are under the armchair.

Игрушки находятся под креслом.


The mouse is under the table.

Мышь находится под столом.

Now let’s talk about the preposition “next to”.

It’s translated as “рядом”.

Look at the examples:

The mirror is next to the wardrobe.

Зеркало находится рядом со шкафом.


The washing machine is next to the dishwasher.

Стиральная машина находится рядом с посудомоечной машиной.

The following preposition is “in front of”.

The translation is “перед, впереди”.

For example:

Look! Ben is in front of his house. I can see him!

Смотри! Бэн находится перед своим домом. Я его вижу!


Martin is in front of the bank.

Мартин находится перед банком.

Now let’s talk about the preposition “behind”.

It’s translated as “позади, за, сзади”.

Look at the examples:

The cat is hiding behind the chair.

Кот прячется за стулом.


The bookcase is behind the armchair.

Книжный шкаф находится позади кресла.

And the last preposition is “between”.

The translation is “между”.

For example:

The table is between two armchairs.

Стол находится между двумя креслами.


Tyler is between the bus and the car.

Тайлер находится между автобусом и машиной.

– Snoopy, we’ve told you everything about the prepositions of place.

– Now let’s revise all of these prepositions once again.

Listen and repeat after me!




Next to

In front of



– Well done, Snoopy!

– Thank you, boys!

– Snoopy, now we would like to check your knowledge.

– Oh, okay.

Your task is to look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

The pictures are…

And the sentences are…

Check yourselves.

1.    The cat is on the box.

2.    The cat is behind the box.

3.    The cat is under the box.

4.    The cat is in the box.

5.    The cat is in front of the box.


6.    The cat is next to the box.

– Well done, Snoopy!

– Now you know everything about the prepositions of place.

– Yes, that’s right! Thank you so much for your help, guys!

– You’re welcome!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends!

– See you soon.


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