
What is Internet?

Урок 53. Английский язык 8 класс ФГОС

Джон начинает урок с традиционного английского юмористического пятистишия – лимерика. Далее учащиеся «бороздят» интернет-терминологию и знакомятся с такими понятиями, как: surfing the net, an internet browser, a search engine, social networks, download and upload, online, forums, e-mails, chat и др. Кем, где и когда было придумано это величайшее изобретение человечества? Простые и иллюстративные ответы вы найдёте в этом уроке. Доступность информации и возможностей, которые нам даёт интернет, сделали его неотъемлемой частью жизни большей половины жителей на Земле. Но не стоит забывать об отрицательных сторонах интернета, таких как: доступность запрещённых сайтов детям, спам, бессонница, отсутствие общения вживую и самое страшное – интернет-зависимость. В завершение урока с помощью простого теста учащиеся смогут определить, зависимы они от интернета или нет.

Конспект урока "What is Internet?"

Hi guys,

Today’s lesson we’ll start with a rhyme. Look it through and fill in the missing words (pet, phone, Net).

Now check yourselves.

There once was a young man called Brett

Who would spend his free time on the net?

He stayed home all alone –

No TV and no phone,

A computer mouse – his only pet.

What was Brett’s favorite means of communication?

Right, it’s the Internet.

And in the lesson today we will learn what the Internet is and how it influences our life.

Thanks to this wonderful thing called the Internet you are watching this video right now.

The Internet is a large network of computers all over the planet except some remote places, for example, The South Pole.

The things that you send on the Internet are called digital information and they are made up of ones and zeros. Computers and computer programs translate the ones and zeros, so that you could see, hear and use the information.

Let’s learn how we can use the Internet to gather information and communicate with distant users.

1. Internet is a vast library of information. We can search for information on various topics.

The Internet is explored, which is more commonly referred to as surfing.

surfing the net – бороздить интернет

Finding information on the Internet is achieved by using a search engine (e.g. Google, Yahoo or Yandex).

Files, pictures, songs, and video can be shared downloading (receiving) and uploading (sending).

2. The Internet is also used for communicating with others through social networks (Facebook, VK, Instagram, Twitter), online games, forums, e-mails, chat or IM (Instant Messenger - Skype, for example).

3. We can conduct banking transactions on the computer without having to visit the bank.

4. We can buy different goods without spending a lot of time visiting the market.

5. There is a great possibility to earn while working from home.

But how did the internet get to where it is today?

There is so much in the internet history, that we couldn’t cover everything in this short video. But we definitely should. Anyway let’s get started.

The Internet got its start over 50 years ago, and computers back then filled up the entire rooms.

Scientists and researchers used it for years to communicate during the Cold War. It was useful because if one of the computers went down the other wouldn’t follow.

In 1962 a scientist J.C.R. Licklider proposed the idea of a network of computers that can talk to one another.

In 1969 a first ever message was sent from computer to another over the ARPAnet – the government’s computer at that time. ARPAnet stands for The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. By the end of the year only four computers were connected to this network.

In 1971 the university of Hawaii was added, followed by various networks in London, and Norway two years later.

The same year Ray Tomlinson was developing the system to send mail back and forth between the users of the ARPAnet. This was called the electronic mail or e-mail for short. The @ symbol was used to tell a person’s name.

Vinton Cerf invented a way to introduce computers to each other in a virtual space.

In 1991 a computer programmer Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web.

It wasn’t just a way of data-sharing for scientists. It was accessible to everybody who had Internet connection.

You are using a browser now to watch this video. The most popular are Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.

In 1992 the first browser – Erwise was created and later on the others were introduced.

Nowadays the Internet is always available for you to use, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

You don't have to wait for it to open or wait for someone to make it available. It is just there, when you need it and for whatever you need.

Moreover, users of any age and condition can access it. But what are the negative effects of the Internet?

1. Laziness

There are so many people, who spend many hours, even all day on the Internet.

They play games, read books, or visit their favorite websites without caring to study or work. Many students even drop out of school. They are getting lazier.

2. Adult content

There are many good and bad things (available) on the Internet, that a child might find. For example, 18+ information. Such content might affect children’s physical and psychological condition.

3. Lacking Face to Face Communication

Through social networks, students can make friends in any part of the world. Just sitting alone at home, students can talk and share their joys and sorrows with others in a very long distance, or simply chat with their classmates.

They have less time for the old relationship and little opportunity to meet in real life to play or eat. They feel shy to talk to others, face to face.

4. Insomnia

Because of the Internet, many students have less time to sleep. They play games or chat with their friends late at night. It is hard to go to bed on time, while being on the Internet. Some people even can’t sleep at all. If this situation continues for a long time, it can lead to insomnia.

5. Lacking Creativity

They would rather search things on the Internet or simply google them, instead of getting to learn things by themselves. Therefore, the ability of thinking and creating are limited. They just search on the Internet to find the information they need without working their minds.

Also, often information is inaccurate or outdated.

6. Spam

Email is a wonderful service, but the down side of it is endless spam. Spam is another word for 'unsolicited email' that fills up your inbox.

7. Addiction

There are many people who are becoming 'addicted' to the Internet. Every spare moment they have is spent online. Families often break up and people lose their jobs because of this problem.

Are you Internet addicted?

The following simple test will help us to find out.

1. Which names, do you think are good for children?

a) James and Dora b) Bill Gates IV c) Yahoo and Mozilla

2. Which expression is correct?

a) Have a nice day! b) Have a *nice* dayJ c) HAND

3. The first thing you do when you wake up is:

a) check the fridge b) visit the bathroom c) check your e-mail

4. To avoid a virus you should:

a) stay away from people who sneeze and cough b) never read E-mails titled “Good News” c) use virus scanning software

5. When you want to buy something hard-to-find you:

a) look through the advertisements in the newspapers b) ask friends where to get it c) go to Google!

6. When you don’t know how to use a new gadget you:

a) ask the shop assistant b) call to manufacture’s service center c) go to manufacture’s Website and look for FAQ

7. You correct errors using:

a) an eraser b) white-out c) backspace or delete

8.  When you are interested in someone you say:

a) Tell me more about yourself        b) What’s your star sign? c) What’s your Profile?

9. When you need to write a letter you:

a) take a pen and a paper b) go to the post office c) ask: What’s a letter? Is it like E-mail?

10. When you need information for your report or project you:

a) go to the library b) put electronic Encyclopedia in your CD-ROM drive c) go to www. google. com

Now score your results.

Give yourself zero points for each “a” response, five for each “b” and 10 for each “c”.

If you scored 100, unplug your computer and get more hours in real life.

If you scored between 31 and 99, you are living a good mix of Net and reality.

If you scored under 30, you probably didn’t read this far.

Surely, without the Internet we wouldn’t be able to access the information in seconds. We wouldn’t be able to communicate with people from around the world, share ideas or educate those who might not get a chance elsewhere.

But we should always remember about the downside of the Internet.

How would your life be different without the Internet?


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